Marry Yourself

Two days ago, I’m driving trying to find some inspiration as I took my 40-minute journey home to my family of 5. I was thinking about all of the stories each of them would gift me with. The hugs, the kisses, the sad eyes, and the unlimited touches I’d receive at the door.

I stumbled upon a monk with a Mac.


Yeah, seriously, monks are into technology and have Mac’s. Check out his video. Anyhow, what he was talking about was happiness and external noise. It made me think about myself and how I felt about just plain old me.

He spoke about being happy with yourself internally. Not based on looks, physique, marital status, socio-economic status, or your position, just YOU! That’s so weird, right? So, I’m loving what I hear and the bonus was dude blew my mind by destroying the notion that monks are completely cut off from society and especially technology. So when we think about the spiritual peace a monk possesses, within the presence of technology and communication with others, there is hope for us.

Fast forward to today... I’m listening to Curtis Jackson aka 50 cents.


He talks about not needing 8 bedrooms to feel fulfilled, but needing to get them to internalize the fact that he didn’t need them…. Think about it, that was deep. He talked about being satisfied with oneself.

Move along and I go back to Tracy McMillan.


She did a Ted Talk about her several divorces and how she finally end up marrying the right person - HERSELF.

My favorite part of her talk is loving ourself where we are is the only way to get where we are going. She stated that accepting who you truly are, loving and forgiving yourself from the mistakes and disappointments you had in the past are among the things you need to learn to love yourself wholeheartedly.

It made me realize that we should be the ones responsible for our own happiness and that we should love ourselves the way we would expect someone else to love us. Once we learn the importance of self-love we will able to learn how to love others for who they truly are.


At the end of all of this information, I began to think about external noise and the constant push for every person to be something. It's strange because the Monk spoke on focus, Curtis spoke on business, and Tracy spoke about marriage, but they all ended with self-fulfillment. We are all looking to belong in a sort of group in this world. Whether in a sports team, a company, a family, or a group of friends. We work to be what we need to be for “them” without realizing that we're losing "us”. Let me put it in a question: after you get “X”, are you still enough for yourself?

A simple yet, so complex question. Take the time to shut out the external noise and marry the most important person to you on this earth - yourself. Then breathe and be satisfied with YOU!

It’s a simple question, yet so complex. Take the time to shut out the external noise, take in that a “thing” will not make you more, and marry the most important person to you on this earth - yourself. Then breathe and be satisfied with YOU!

I want to hear your inspirational stories. See you at the comment section. ❤❤❤


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I am a certified life coach and I have been coaching since 2011.


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