Half-Empty, Half-Full Perspective in A Relationship

In this blog, we're going to discuss how people make decisions in a relationship with the perspective of a half-empty, half-full scenario. For example, If I am thirsty and in desperate need of something to drink, and I see a glass of water and it's at the halfway mark, that glass is half-full for me because I need that and it can quench my thirst. So when I'm in desperate need, when it comes to a relationship and I'm searching, I find that half-full glass is great.


Keeping the water perspective, once you're in a cool situation, you love yourself, you have some success to where you feel like you're in a good place, and you look at that same cup of water now as half empty. It's like, I don't need it. I could just dump that water out. Somebody else can have it. I don't worry about it. That's what I think about when I think about half full and half empty. It depends on the perspective of where you are.


And if you take a relationship, for example, when you were in desperate need of love, affection, and time. In need of someone to be with you at your activities, someone to encourage you, even if it's small encouragement, even if they don't show up to everything, your need makes that half-full glass, that same glass of water look full because it's more than you ever had before. It's more than you could imagine. And at the show Naked and Afraid, even a sip is enough to fulfill you, but let's say you go on, you get in this relationship with this half-full glass. But, it's not all that he/she wants.

And if we think about what I said about the cup of water, when you're not thirsty and you could swallow, swallow your spit and it's enough to sustain you. That same relationship where they could have just said a kind word back in the day but now it's not good enough. Now, it's somebody else who can have that. I can really dump this. I can really pass this along to another person, or now I need a little bit more flavor and I don't like just plain water anymore. I want a little lemon. I want some sugar. I want a couple of those little flavored drink drops. I need some ice. I need fruit to go there. I want it floating with mints and pineapples. All of a sudden, now you gotta fix that glass of water up, or you could pass it down.


But that same glass was enough to get you to where you are today. And the reality of it when we stick with this water analogy is that glass is neither full nor empty, the glass is there with water in it. And it's up to you to drink or pass it, it's up to you to be satisfied with what you have, and work with that and keep perspective on where you came from and how that served its purpose in your life. And that's how we are. As you know, when you think about human beings. We always want more and it's difficult to tell a person to be satisfied when you have your surroundings telling you there's better. There's more, to this whole life, there's more to relationships. You can have this X, Y, Z. It's all true, but understand that every change comes with a consequence. There's some positivity with it, but then there are some other things that may change your life. And I don't know if anyone's seen the highs, but I think that it is definitely a testament to how a lot of people feel.


And that is really what the relationship is. You get into this relationship because it's fulfilling for that moment, but when you get married, you have to learn how to keep finding what you need in that person and also what that person needs. There is continual growth just like school. You can take the same class multiple times and if you go in with the mindset that I already know everything this past has to teach me, then you will not learn anything because you're not looking to learn anything.


A lot of times I think when it comes to our relationship, we romanticize relationships based on TV, based on hopes, and a lot of times based on maybe what you feel you need, but if anyone has seen Princess Tiana, where it's like, "You gotta dig a little deeper", a lot of times you have what you need right in front of your face, but you're looking to fulfill that need with a different substance. In the highs, they really presented the wrestling of improving your life, without assimilation and some forms where you have to adjust, move forward, believe that you belong there and believe that you made it.

If you need help in dealing with marriage or relationship issues. Please feel free to reach out to me here or get a free assessment here and let's work it out together. ❤❤❤


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I am a certified life coach and I have been coaching since 2011.


Two Broken People Coming Together As A Whole